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Tampa Bay Sales Development, LLC | Tampa, FL

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Clint Babcock

You have likely encountered a customer who has had a bad experience with your company. It can be tricky, but handling it with care and tact is essential to ensure you can salvage the relationship and possibly even turn things around. In fact, sometimes it was their lack of communication and follow-through that caused the issue and not your company's fault, but it still needs to be solved.

Not long ago...

Are you tired of feeling like a hit-or-miss salesperson or leader? Good communication and questioning skills are certainly important, but without effective listening skills, you'll likely fall short in your efforts. Luckily, there are ways to improve your listening skills and become a sales superstar or leader extraordinaire.

Let me introduce you to...

Let's face it, receiving negative or constructive feedback on our performance can be incredibly difficult because we want so badly to do a great job. I know, I know, you're thinking it's all about how it's delivered to us that counts. True, but not true. Even when criticism is delivered in the right way, it is still difficult to keep our reactions and emotions in check. Unless you have a really strong understanding of the theory and application of I/R theory!

Have you ever had a problem with a piece of technology? I know I've had to make that frustrating call to the IT department to resolve an issue with my computer.

When you call IT, they have a process to find out what is causing the issue so they can get it resolved quickly. When there's an issue with your team, there's a process you can follow to get to the bottom of it as well.

As a leader, it's important to understand how to get your team members to pull their own weight and be accountable. A successful leadership style involves empowering your team while still holding them accountable through effective follow-up strategies. You need to identify those who aren't pulling their own weight and address any underlying issues that could be causing undertow in an organization, even though you likely already have a full schedule.

Let's explore leadership techniques for managing a team effectively, ensuring that everyone is pulling their own weight.

There are eight possible sources of leverage that are present in every negotiating situation. We want to understand and maximize all eight sources.

The best negotiators always start negotiation by negotiating with themselves. One of the communication tools that will help you better understand yourself and how others communicate with you is called DISC.


“Please just send me a better proposal, and when you do, give me your bottom line. I don’t have time to go back and forth. Just get me your best number.”


In today’s current market conditions, leaders need to accept that the success of their teams and their companies will rely heavily on striking a collaborative, coordinated balance between creative strategic thinking and effective implementation.